Become a Volunteer!
We Can Utilize Your Talents and Some Time! There are many opportunities for adults and teens, no matter how little time you have to share with us. We appreciate you and could use your help in preserving our past and sharing it with our future! The Historical Society is looking for interested people to help in an On Call capacity.
There are times where things come up and we need someone to "staff" the Bell Museum. The Bell Museum is currently open by appointment only. This position would be on an as needed basis.....not on a regular basis.
If you desire to know more about the Germantown Historical Society and take part in its
growth and outreach, this is the perfect opportunity to "get your feet wet." Everyone above the age of 16 are invited to inquire. (Parent/child teams are encouraged to apply).
For Seniors this is a wonderful time to reminisce and for school age students, it is a great way to
earn volunteer/community service/confirmation/NHS hours. Call 628-3170 or email if you can spare 3 hours.
You do not need to be a member to volunteer!
OKTOBERFEST! - Last Sat & Sun in September annually. Volunteers needed for Saturday and Sunday of the festival! Help also needed the week before to setup and the week after to take down. Guides needed in Museums during Oktoberfest.
GENEALOGY - Wolf Haus Genealogy Library email germantownhistoricalsociety@gmail.com
BAST BELL MUSEUM - Currently open by appointment only. Greeters / tour guides as needed. Training & script provided.
CHRIST CHURCH OF LOCAL HISTORY - Currently open by appointment only. Greeters / tour guides as needed. Training & script provided.
If you are not a current member, please see our membership page about joining the Germantown Historical Society.